10+1 Good Practices in Preventing Intolerance, Discrimination, and Group Hatred in Central and Eastern Europe
Final publication of the project, published in English, German, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Bulgarian and Hungarian language.
The CEE Prevent Net project, which is implemented by 10 NGOs from Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia, has compiled a compendium of good practices for preventing discrimination, group hatred and right-wing extremism. Some of these methods have already been proven and tested in partner countries as part of the project’s international transfer. Developed by and for prevent practitioners from Central and Eastern Europe, these practices shall help and inspire youth workers, educators and civic actors to continue their efforts for promoting democracy and human rights in the region.
Since democracy and the civil society are under increasing threat in this part of Europe, the project consortium decided to supplement the good practice approaches with an extra chapter on advocacy recommendations. This chapter provides practitioners with strategies and methods to advocate for more sustainable youth work and education to build skills and resilience of young people.
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- The EU’s “Islamism” bias and its “added damage” in Central and Eastern Europe
Article by Oliver Kossack and Harald Weilnböck, published 26 Nov 2019 on https://www.opendemocracy.net
Read the article
- Advocacy to Prevent Intolerance, Discrimination and Group-focused Enmity of Youth in Bulgaria, Germany and the Visegrad Group
CEE Prevent Net Working Paper, October 2019
As part of the project “CEE Prevent Net – Central and Eastern European Network for the Prevention of Intolerance and Group Hatred”, an interdisciplinary team of researchers and prevention practitioners from Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia has investigated into advocacy and communication strategies for advancing prevent work in the region. They have reviewed existing strategies and good practices, conducted field work and interviewed about 150 governmental and non-governmental stakeholders in youth affairs and prevention from different professions and ends of the political spectrum.
Their final report offers strategies and recommendations for practitioners and civil society to engage in political advocacy to prevent intolerance, discrimination and group hatred of youth. In particular, these recommendations focus on the possibilities for advocacy under unfavorable conditions in contemporary (Central and Eastern) Europe, such as growing levels of group hatred and right-wing extremism, shrinking civic space or the erosion of human rights standards, media independence and the rule of law, which pose a serious threat to peaceful and democratic societies in the region.
- How to do prevention of radicalisation and group hatred in Central and Eastern Europe? – And how to set up exit programs across Europe?
Intervention from the floor at the OSCE Counter-Terrorism Conference Bratislava March 2019 by Harald Weilnböck
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- Safeguarding young people and supporting tomorrow’s societies – in Central and Eastern Europe.
GERDraft Mission statement of the CEE Prevent Net project, 18.11.2018, by the CEE Prevent Net consortium
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